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Thanks to you Bernalillo County Commission resolution opposing LNG passed 4-1. What's next??

Watch KRQE Coverage of the Resolution

During the Bernalillo County Commission meeting yesterday many members of the public came out to speak in support of Commissioner Barbara Baca's resolution opposing NMGC's proposed LNG plant, with only a single executive from New Mexico Gas Company present to speak against the resolution. There were so many people lined up for public comment, both in person and on zoom, that the Commission had to limit comments to one minute and couldn't even get to everyone who had signed up to speak. And more than 125 emails opposing the plant landed in the Commissioner's inboxes! Thanks to all of you, especially to our friends at YUCCA (Youth United for Climate Crisis Action), who wrote, showed up and spoke out!

Commissioner Benson called for a deferral, but ultimately Commissioner Baca moved for a vote on the resolution, saying “Opponents of the LNG plant have pointed to a range of public health and safety and environmental issues today, and I would also say the economic side of this is that we are talking about a $180M dollar facility that the ratepayers will pay for over 30 years, which is a significant investment, and I think that we need more information before we ask Bernalillo County to house this.” Commissioner Barboa also spoke about the climate crisis, and Commissioner Olivas called for a rapid transition to heat pumps and energy efficiency, and spoke to the very real risk that this expensive plant would soon become a stranded asset on the backs of NMGC ratepayers. The resolution passed on a 4-1 vote, with Commissioner Benson opposing.

Now the Public Regulation Commission (PRC) must decide whether to grant the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity, and we are counting on you to join the Bernalillo County Commission in registering your official disapproval of New Mexico Gas Company's reckless plan. The hearing in the case will commence on December 4th, 2023, after which the Hearing Examiner will make a recommended decision on the merits of the case, and then the PRC will decide whether to approve the proposal.

Public comment at the PRC can be made in person or via zoom at bi-weekly open meetings that begin at 10:00AM. Comments are usually scheduled at the start of the meeting. Meetings before the hearing will take place November 2nd, 16th, and 30th. Can you sign up??

If you can't speak at a meeting, you can make written public comment in the case to officially register your opposition via email at the link below:

Now is not the time to be investing in new fossil fuel infrastructure. Now is the time to invest in efficiency and alternative clean energy sources that will reduce our dependence on fossil fuels and protect New Mexicans from the profiteering of international fossil fuel conglomerates and the ravages of climate change. The proposed plant is not cost effective and it is not necessary. We thank Commissioner Baca for bringing the resolution and applaud the Bernalillo County Commission for taking a stand to protect county residents, who will face significant health and safety risks if the proposed LNG plant is approved.


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