We are grateful to the Bernalillo County Commission for bringing a strong resolution (page 370) opposing Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) and protecting communities. LNG endangers the Rio Rancho and Bernalillo County community, will further impact already poor air quality for the entire area, will unnecessarily raise prices for NMGC ratepayers, and will lock in further investment in the fossil fuel economy.
At the Tuesday, October 24th Bernalillo County Commission meeting at 5:00pm, Commissioners will vote whether to officially oppose the project and inform the Public Regulation Commission (PRC) of their position. The PRC is then slated to hear arguments for and against NMGC's proposed plant at a hearing in December. Evidence of Community opposition will be important to the PRC's ultimate decision whether to approve the plant.
To send a direct email with one click to each of the Bernalillo County Commissioners asking them to vote in favor of the resolution click the button below.
If you live in Bernalillo County sign up for public comment at the link below. Here is a one pager with information about the proposed plant to inform your perspective.
Finally, if you have not already done so, click here to send Public Comment on the case directly to the PRC.