HB142 the Generating Facility and Mine Remediation Act was rolled last week when concerns brought up by EMNRD and NMED were raised. Those concerns have been addressed and a committee substitute will be heard tomorrow at 9:00AM to ensure that the 59 million tons of coal ash at the abandoned San Juan Generating Station plant and mine are properly cleaned up and the San Juan river watershed is protected from toxic contamination.
The revised bill authorizes NMED and EMNRD to hire outside consultants, environmental engineers, hydrologists, geochemists and other professionals who have experience with coal plant and mine closures to perform an independent comprehensive assessment and report back to the legislature.The assessment will be posted on line no later than July 1, 2025 a copy of the remediation and restoration study shall be provided to the legislature with specific measurable steps, informed by input from impacted communities, to oversee and enforce full remediation and restoration plans. A presentation of the study shall occur at a meeting of the legislative interim committee and shall detail how the energy, minerals and natural resources department and the department of environment shall ensure timely environmental compliance with the owners of the generating facility and mine to protect public health and welfare. The bill also requires yearly updates to the legislature.
Last week San Juan residents, farmers and water protectors showed up in force to implore lawmakers to prevent toxic contamination of our precious water. This week we expect the committee substitute to be adopted without public comment, but we ask everyone who hasn't done so to click on the button below to email committee members about your support for HB 142. The more you personalize the subject and the message, the better.