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Justin Nobel's Research Uncovered How Oil and Gas Preys on Vulnerable People to do their dangerous work

As we all continue to struggle with the increasing chaos, violence and uncertainty that pervades US political life, we can take comfort in the glimmers of hope that have emerged in the UK, where 14 years of austerity and corporate hegemony were overthrown with Labour's win, and in France, where a divided progressive left overcame their points of disagreement to unite and successfully prevent a racist, anti-immigrant takeover of their National Assembly and Presidency.

Here in New Mexico we can rejoice in small victories as well.

Avangrid's effort to rewrite history and prevent other advocacy groups from using the evidence we gathered against them were stymied when the PRC decided to follow the NM Supreme Court's directive to correct a small error in the record rather than dismissing the case outright as Avangrid hoped. Here is NEE's response to Avangrid's Motion to Dismiss and the PRC's Order Denying Avangrid's Motion to Dismiss. And the New Mexico Ethics Commission made a finding of probable cause against Water Quality Control Commissioner Krista McWilliams and assigned a Hearing Examiner to the case, apparently finding her response to our complaint unconvincing. McWilliams called the complaint "frivolous, unsubstantiated, and not supported by probable cause," and when she was called out for the video she made for NMOGA in which she falsely claimed that there has never been one case of water contamination from fracking, she protested that she didn't know NMOGA still had the video on its website. 

Also last week New Energy Economy joined Renewable Taos, NM No False Solutions, WildEarth Guardians and the Center for Biological Diversity in sponsoring our expert witness in the fracking waste Reuse case at events in Taos, Santa Fe and in Albuquerque. Thank you to everyone who showed up to learn, take action and get inspired together to keep fighting for our earth and for each other! 

Justin's deep research involved travel and conversations across the US to understand how the fracking industry's radioactive secret is affecting communities, lands, waters and workers everywhere it operates. Watch the clip below, in which he describes how fracking companies recruited vulnerable people for their dangerous work:

You can listen to the full recording here, and to an interview on the Truth to Power podcast we published yesterday. Once you are sufficiently informed, and appropriately outraged, we need you to take action!


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