Your voice is making a difference! HB 142, the Generating Facility and Mine Remediation act to protect the San Juan watershed from coal ash contamination passed through the House on a 53-5 vote. Congratulations to Sponsor Rep. Allison, organizers Chili Yazzie and Sterling Grogan, and all those who care for their community and the San Juan watershed who helped get this bill through the House! Onward to the Senate.
Congratulations also to the No False Solutions Coalition and all the environmental and community groups who have kept up the pressure against the advancement of dirty hydrogen, nuclear and carbon capture ploys to delay the transition to clean energy. HB 12 has been pulled from the agenda for Tuesday! Given the experience we had last year, we know that hydrogen proponents are not giving up. There are $50M already included as part of HB2, the House appropriations bill, for "Advanced" Energy Technologies, a term not yet defined in the law, HB 426 the Clean Fuel Standards Act, establishing a carbon credit and trading scheme, and HB 174, the Class VI Injection Well permit fund waiting in the wings but not yet on any schedule. We are keeping an eye on all of the above.
Thank you for taking action, for emailing, for making calls, for showing up to help steer New Mexico away from false climate solutions and towards the change we need. Let's keep up the pressure! Take a moment today to share your support for the alternative:
SB 165 - Local Choice Energy Act - Public Power NM continues to work with Senator Cervantes on a committee substitute to tighten up language in the bill. Click here to email Senate Judiciary on SB 165!
SB 77 - New Home Build Renewable Requirements requires all new construction to be solar and EV ready - Passed Senate Floor on 23-15 vote. Scheduled March 2nd for HENRC. Click here to email HENRC to vote YES on SB77!
HB 432 - The Plastic Waste Reduction Act to keep plastic bags and microplastics out of our waterways and soils, and to start to address the injustices of plastic pollution on over-burdened communities. Passed HENRC. Scheduled for vote in HCPAC tomorrow at 1:30. Click here to email HCPAC to vote YES on HB432!
SB 53 - Storage of Certain Radioactive Waste requires state approval for storage of nuclear waste in New Mexico. Passed Senate Floor 27-13! Passed HGEIC on Saturday! Click here to email House Judiciary to vote YES on SB53!
And finally, contact Senate Rules and urge them to reject the nomination of Mr. James Mountain for Secretary of the NM Indian Affairs Department. Mr. Mountain was accused of rape in 2007 and indicted on a number of charges, including kidnapping and aggravated battery, the following year. Although the case was dismissed and records were sealed, members of the Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Relatives Task Force and the Coalition to Stop Violence Against Native Women have spoken out against the nomination and are requesting our solidarity in opposing his confirmation. Click here to email Senate Rules not to confirm his nomination. Native Women in New Mexico must be seen, heard and supported!