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Gather in Santa Fe on January 28 - 29, 2019 for a Just Transition Convergence which will include the NM Climate Conference & Clean Energy Lobby Day

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We face a critical opportunity (and responsibility) during the 2019 New Mexico Legislative session to create a model for how the renewable energy transition builds upon and advances the long-standing tradition of environmental and economic justice struggles in our state.


Our work for a just transition to a new energy economy provides an opportunity to radically redesign our state’s economy and our “democracy”– from an energy colony based on extraction and undue corporate influence, to a regenerative economy, governed by and for the people – with justice and equity at the center.

  • Join the indigenous-led movement for a just transition for New Mexico's energy economy - guided by regional leaders from Diné, Tiwa, Tewa, and Keres territories.

  • Learn about policy proposals this 2019 Legislative session that will allow our communities to stand in solidarity with one another, determine our own energy futures, and rapidly transition to renewables -- all while localizing revenue and wealth from energy dollars.

  • Join with environmentalists from across the state for the NM Climate Conference with keynote speakers  Laura Paskus, foremost reporter on water, climate change & the environment in New Mexico, and Destiny Watford, a Goldman Environmental Prize winner who in high school led the fight to stop a trash-burning incinerator in her community.

How We Transition Matters!

Attend the convergence and help advance the case for systems change and a New Mexico energy transition led by our indigenous communities.


CLICK to download complete agenda


New Energy Economy exists to bolster and support bold solutions for climate disruption that, at their core, prioritize social and economic justice. The need to act on climate disruption with a #GreenNewDeal has entered the center of our national dialogue. A critical moment of opportunity is here, and your voice is central to the effort.

Are You Ready to Actualize New Mexico’s #GreenNewDeal?

Join us!

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