New Energy Economy is relentless in pushing for policies that place the benefits and control over renewable energy resources into the hands of the people.
In the Courts:
We defeated the plans of a multinational corporate energy giant, Iberdrola, and their $8 billion bid to take over our state's main utility;
Won a finding of imprudence against PNM for its investments to extend the life of the coal powered Four Corners Power Plant, resulting in an $84.9M disallowance for ratepayers, and leading to an 8% rate decrease for customers;
Forced PNM to pay ratepayers promised $115 million rate credits for closure of the San Juan Coal Plant and 100% renewable replacement power;
Won against the New Mexico Gas Company's proposed construction of a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) plant outside Albuquerque; and
Won a 39% decrease on the New Mexico Gas Company's proposed rates.
At the legislature:
We helped lead the effort for passage of Community Solar legislation and we continue to safeguard against utility obstruction of its implementation through intervention in rulemaking and at the Supreme Court.
We advocated for and won passage of the Generating Facility and Mine Remediation Act to ensure rigorous oversight of coal ash cleanup at the recently shuttered San Juan coal mine & power plant.
Work with a powerful coalition of grassroots groups to successfully advocate against public funding for false climate solutions like hydrogen, carbon capture and fracking wastewater re-use.
Are a founding member of Public Power NM, a coalition to advance community owned renewable energy generation that is advocating for passage of the Local Solar Access Fund to help local governments, Tribes and school districts adopt solar energy across the state.
In the Community:
We expose the vision of what is possible through our Sol for All initiatives, partnering with non-profit organizations, farms, community centers and local governments to build community owned renewable energy that benefits people directly (14 projects thus far!). Recently completed projects include:
​An 84 kW solarization project at Major Market, Zuni Pueblo.
A 16 kW solarization of Casa Milagro, a home for formerly unhoused people struggling with mental illness.
​Next up, solarization of Reunity Resources, a sustainable organic farm that serves to educate and feed the people of Santa Fe.