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New Energy Economy News
Read the latest updates on our legal actions, just transition initiatives, Sol for ALL! projects, recent media, and more....
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Jul 17, 2023
Final chance to send your comments on Coal Ash rules... first chance to hear our new podcast
There are 566 coal ash dump sites in 40 states that are currently excluded from EPA regulations — almost half the total coal ash sites in...

Jun 30, 2023
Here, there, everywhere - Communities call on EPA to strengthen coal ash rule to protect the people
This week Mariel joined activists from YUCCA (Youth United for Climate Crisis Action), Lisa Evans from Earthjustice, the Climate Justice...

Jun 3, 2023
The San Juan Generating Station powered New Mexico’s largest cities for 50 years. In Albuquerque and Santa Fe, our electricity use has...

Apr 7, 2023
Chaptered! HB142, Protection for the San Juan Watershed and the People is now the law of the land
It is with deep gratitude for all the activists, organizers and community leaders from San Juan County who worked to make this happen...

Mar 16, 2023
HB 142 - Model Legislation for Protection of People, Land and Water headed to Governor's Desk
In a natural extension of New Energy Economy's many years of work to close the coal fired San Juan Generating Station, an effort shared...

Mar 10, 2023
San Juan Cleanup bill passes final committee on 8-0 vote, AND a creative writing assignment for you
First, today we want to celebrate a victory. HB 142 passed Senate Finance this morning on a 8-0 vote! Thanks to Senator Pinto and...

Feb 27, 2023
HB 142 Passes the House, HB 12 Defeated
Your voice is making a difference! HB 142, the Generating Facility and Mine Remediation act to protect the San Juan watershed from coal...

Feb 3, 2023
Raise your voice for clean water and clean energy
HB142 the Generating Facility and Mine Remediation Act was rolled last week when concerns brought up by EMNRD and NMED were raised. Those...

Jan 27, 2023
Calling all Water Protectors
Tomorrow at 9:00AM the House Energy and Natural Resources Committee will hear HB142 - the Generating Facility and Mine Remediation Act....
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